
 Whether you’re retooling your onboarding process, refining your mission, or developing long-range strategies, PowerWith will provide a roadmap with clear expectations and deliverables. Don’t see what you’re looking for here? Every situation is unique. We’d love to discuss yours.

Meeting + Retreat Facilitation


Creating engaging experiences, onsite and offsite

  • Meaningful activities to teach skills and build teams

  • An objective lens to help navigate tough conversations, provide clarity, and outline a path forward


Executive + Leadership Coaching


Personal, strategic guidance to help your best achieve their best

  • Structured support for leaders with a focus on goal-setting, accountability, and personal reflection 

  • Individual and group coaching available


Strategic Planning


Designing a process to help guide a successful plan and deliver results for your organization

  • Charting a course for the future of your organization

  • Data-driven, people-focused approach to ‘stretch’ goal-setting 




A customized, research-based program to welcome new employees to your organization

  • Develop policies and procedures to create a supportive environment for new employees and ensure their success, drawing on the collective wisdom of the organization 




Create a plan to bring your mission to the forefront and inspire action

  • Develop a plan to ensure your organization’s mission is front and center for decision-makers and influencers

  • Identify coalition-building opportunities and engage and activate your supporters to amplify your message